
A Website

We began as a platform to collect and spread the most important information for architects seeking to build a better world. Today, we are an ever-evolving tool for anybody who has a passion and determination to shape the world around them, including the 13.6 million readers that visit ArchDaily every month.

  1. ​​125 Best Architecture Books​​
  1. 125 Best Architecture Books

    Essential Reads
    Architects, Firms, and Movements
    Cities & Urbanism

    1. ​​A Pattern Language​​
    2. ​​The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses​​
    3. ​​The Image of the City​​
    4. ​​In Praise of Shadows​​
    5. ​​The Poetics of Space​​
    6. ​​Seven lamps​​
    7. ​​Cities for People​​
    8. ​​Invisible Cities​​
    9. ​​BLDGBLOG​​
    10. ​​The Death and Life of Great American Cities​​
    11. ​​Life Between Buildings​​
    12. ​​Soft City​​