The saddest designer

An Essay by Chia Amisola

I am tired of the premise that creation means productivity––especially in the laborious sense...Creation has become mangled with labor in a world that demands man to monetize all of their hobbies and pursuits. In return, it seems empty, almost sad, really––to be the designer spending weekends again on the screen.

To tell you what I like to do in the weekends, I like to do the sad thing...The ‘good’ people tell you to detach your life from your workspace, but this summer, I think I’ve just realized how much I adore what I have the luxury of working on everyday.

In the weekend, I make. I make not because it’s the only thing I have ever known, but because it’s the most certain way forward.

  1. ​​To see the fulfillment of the work​​
  2. ​​Your life adds up​​