That which requires caring

Today's real world of technology is characterized by the dominance of prescriptive technologies.

The temptation to design more or less everything according to prescriptive and broken-up technologies is so strong that it is even applied to those tasks that should be conducted in a holistic way. Any tasks that require caring, whether for people or nature, any tasks that require immediate feedback and adjustment, are best done holistically. Such tasks cannot be planed, coordinated, and controlled the way prescriptive tasks must be.

Prescriptive technologies eliminate the occasions for decision-making and judgment in general and especially for the making of principled decisions. Any goal of the technology is incorporated a priori in the design and is not negotiable.

  1. ​​Holistic and prescriptive technologies​​
  2. ​​The Nature and Art of Workmanship​​
  3. ​​The Nature and Aesthetics of Design​​