Coevolution and the bad take machine

So when you have a bad take machine, you get the following processes:

  1. They make a bad take.
  2. People are outraged and talk about it.
  3. The bad take machine likes it and does more of that behaviour in future.

If, on the other hand, they make a take and nobody cares, they do not get reward and the behaviour is selected against.

The behaviours drove the spread of the outrage replicator, and the outrage replicator provides the selection mechanism for the behaviours. Thus, via the spread of our outrage on Twitter, we have operant conditioned the bad take machine into producing worse takes.

Which is to say, it's bad on purpose to make you replicate it.

  1. ​​How to write a high-engagement tweet​​
  2. ​​A bad tweet is like a deepfake of an idea​​